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Face, laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is considered to be one of the safest of the non-invasive cosmetic procedures. However, that does not mean it should be entered into without first making yourself aware of the process and all the possible outcomes.
Facial hair removal may have some considerations that do not arise when dealing with less sensitive body parts.
A reputable laser hair removal specialist should discuss all of your concerns and make you feel comfortable with the process. The spa should also talk to you about the special considerations of facial hair removal.
Considerations and cautions
• Your eyes can be damaged by the intense laser light. You must ensure they are not exposed. Be certain that the proper safety equipment to shield the eye is always used and used properly.
• The skin on your face is more delicate and sensitive than that of the rest of the body. Special care must be taken to cool the skin during the procedure. Redness may occur as well. You may not want to return to work the day of your procedure and should plan to stay home that evening.
• Your hair color may influence your candidacy for laser hair removal. Most lasers are very effective at removing darker hair but fine, light colored hair may not respond to laser treatment.
• Certain parts of the face are especially tricky to treat with laser hair removal. Nostril hair can be treated but requires a clinic or spa specially trained and experienced in this treatment.
Safe laser hair reduction
Safe Areas
Most reputable medi-spas and clinics will not treat the area just below the eyebrow in order to protect the patient’s sight. However most other areas are eligible for treatments. This includes the chin, the upper lip, cheeks, forehead, nose and the area between the eyebrows.
The Nose
In younger women, the fine, light colored hairs on the surface of the nose are virtually invisible. As we age, these hairs can be replaced with thicker, darker hairs. Fortunately, darker hair responds best to laser treatments.
Within the nose, nostril hair keeps dust and other airborne particles out of the nasal passages. An excessive growth in this area can be unattractive and problematic. It is unadvisable to direct a laser at the sensitive tissues within the nose. However, certain streams may be directed at the surface of the nose and still penetrate deeply enough to effect a change on the hairs inside. Choose a spa or clinic skilled in this troublesome area.

Most Popular areas to treat for laser hair removal

The Face
Hands down, this is a favorite area to be treated by men and women alike. Women tend to have the upper lip, chin, or sides of the face smoothed by the laser, and men have embraced the procedure because it offers a hairless appearance without fear of severe razor burn. It is recommended for individuals considering a facial treatment to schedule it two to three weeks prior to any big event as there may be some redness and even slight discomfort due to the sensitivity of the skin in the facial region.

The Chest
While chest hair may be a sign of manhood, it isn’t always loved by the guys who sport it. For that reason, many have turned to laser hair removal, which is far less painful than waxing.

The Back
Similarly, back hair is rarely loved by those who don it. More and more men are recognizing the benefits of laser hair removal, especially the permanency of it. In fact, many men who play professional sports are required to remove any hair from the back and chest. Waxing the back is difficult, if not impossible, to do on one’s own and can be quite pricey to have done regularly at a salon. The laser can remove the hair rather quickly, with less discomfort, and it will stay away much longer.

The Bikini Line
For women, hair removal boils down to one very intimate and sensitive area – the bikini line. Waxing, shaving, and other forms of hair removal can result in unsightly rashes and must be done regularly to keep the area appearing smooth and hairless. Lasers, on the other hand, work swiftly, and the effects last.

The Legs
Shaving in the shower is no longer necessary, thanks to laser hair removal and legs everywhere are looking smoother, sleeker, and better than ever before.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

One of the most distressing side effects of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is known as hirsutism. Pronounced her-soo-tizm, this condition can cause extreme facial and body hair in women, often leading to low self-esteem. Many of us with PCOS do not realize the devastation that imbalanced hormones can cause in our lives. That’s why Insulite wants to share with you the natural solutions that can help stop excess hair growth on your face and body, as well as female baldness.

If you or someone you know suffers from excess facial hair, for example, there’s a strong chance it’s a sign of PCOS, according to a new report. As many as 15% of women and teenage females have excess facial hair and PCOS is the cause in 70% to 80% of cases. The same is true of excess body hair as well as hair loss known as male pattern baldness.

Women of all ages worried about excessive facial or body hair should consult their doctor to be tested for PCOS, say researchers.

Good info about laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is nothing new. Its been around for a long time, and has been FDA approved since 1995. Since the Laser Hair Removal Center/Style MedSpa has been opened, we’ve helped thousands of women get rid of their unwanted hair on their chins, upper lips, sideburns, bikini lines, armpits, chest, backs and more! The interesting thing is that I hear very often, “Can you take care of my husband’s back hair?”

Well there is some good news…YES! We can help your husband!

With just 6-8 treatments, we can help men to reduce their hair growth and enjoy not having to shave, tweeze, or wax to groom for their ladies. Many men are taking notice now, and they’re not all movie stars. Normal men are jumping on board to laser hair removal by having the procedure applied to their neckline, back, and chest.

There are some things that need to be taken into consideration when doing laser hair removal such as color of the hair and skin tone (since the procedure works by using the laser beam to destroy the bulb of the hair), but at the Laser Hair Removal Center/Style MedSpa, a free consultation will answer all of these questions!

Remember we guarantee the lowest prices in our region and we specialize in only Premium Lasers such as Diodes by LightSheer XC (not cheap diodes, our diode has 100 diodes in the handpiece not just one like other weak diodes) and Alexandries.  Non premium lasers are Yags and IPL’s.

Botox Monday $10/unit

$10/unit for botox tomorrow, Monday. Regular price is $12/unit. We have supply left for 2 more people then we are sold out at our promotion rate. Thank you Botox for supplying us promotional product.

Botox and competitor products

Botox has long since been the industry leader in cosmetic botulinum toxic injectables, but with new products continuing to be FDA approved, will Botox continue to dominate the market in the fight against wrinkles? Botox was the first botulinum toxin to receive its FDA approval for cosmetic purposes in 2002, but since then others, such as Dysport, have received the same approval and have now provided Botox with some much needed competition. So what are the differences between Botox and its competitors?

While both Botox and Dysport injectables use the botulinum toxin type A to relax facials muscles to help improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles, the major differences between the two can be found in the cost, recommended dosage, dosage forms, formula, and usage. Botox Cosmetic, which has also been licensed under the name Vistabel, is primarily used to prevent and reduce the appearance of expression related wrinkles (Glabellar Lines).  Botox is equally distributed between five separate injection sites, blocking nerve impulses which paralyzes the muscles that cause wrinkles and allows the skins surface to smooth out as a result. The effects of Botox have been shown to last up to 4 months and should not be received more often than every 12 weeks.  Botox is available in single use vials of 50 units or 100 units, while Vistabel is only available in vials 50 units.

Just like Botox, Dysport, and its cosmetic counterpart Azzalure, are also injected into the facial muscles surrounding expression lines causing these muscles to smooth out and relax the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles. While the recommended dose of Botox is 20 units equally distributed between 5 injection sites, both Dysport and Azzalure have a recommended dose of 50 units. The results of both Dysport and Azzalure have been shown to last up to 4 months and just like Botox, should not be received more often than every 12 weeks. It has been said that both Dysport and Azzalure are lower in concentration then Botox, and has fewer proteins surrounding the toxin, which should not only stimulate a weaker immune response but some also claim that it works faster and lasts longer than Botox. Dysport is available in single use vials of 300 units or 500 units and Azzalure comes in a customized single use vial of 125 units and is available in packs of 1 or 2.

While Botox and Dysport have gained popularity for cosmetic purposes, both products have been used for medical conditions as well.  Both Botox and Dysport have not only been FDA approved for the treatment of Glabellar lines, also known as brow furrow lines, but as well for the treatment of Cervical Dystonia, a condition that causes neck muscles to tighten or spasm without control. In addition to Botox and Dysport, Xeomin and Neurobloc have also been approved by the FDA to treat Cervical Dystonia. Though there has been no clear indication of the difference between Botulinum Toxin Type A or B, each of the above mentioned products fall under these two categories. Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are all forms of Botulinum Toxin Type A, while Neurobloc is a form of Botulinum Toxin Type B. Both Toxins work to inhibit the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for the activation of muscle contractions. Administering either Toxin results in the weakness of the injected muscle allowing for improved posture and function of the dystonic muscle(s).

Each of these above mentioned products differ in their recommended dose, for example Neurobloc’s recommended starting dose is 10,000 units (2.0ml), Xeomin’s is only 120 units, Botox is 200 units and Dysport is 500 units. The other significant difference between these products is the way in which they are stored. Botox, Dysport and Neurobloc all need to be kept refrigerated and only have a 2 year shelf life, while Xeomin does not need to be refrigerated allowing for less risk of developing antibodies and has a shelf life of 3 years. Each of the products come in a variety of single use vials, Dysport is available in 300 unit or 500 unit vials, Botox and Xeomin are available in 50 unit or 100 unit vials, and Neurobloc is available in 3 sizes starting at 2500 unit vials. All products are effective in treating Cervical Dystonia and though some have shown faster and longer results, all effects will gradually diminish and the treatment will need to be repeated in intervals of a duration no less than 12 weeks.

When it comes down to the decision of choosing which product is the right choice please keep in mind that all products mentioned above are minimally invasive and affordable ways to achieve effective treatment whether being used for cosmetic or medical purposes. Whether a product has been shown to take effect quicker, or have results that may last longer should not be the number one factor in making a decision as to which product is right for you. The most important thing to consider when making a decision on which product to use is the practitioner that will be administering the injection.   Choosing a practitioner who is knowledgeable and experienced will ensure you have chosen the product that is best suited for you and your individual needs.

Unwanted spider veins

Do you find yourself choosing different clothes or wearing cover up to hide your spider veins? Have you stopped going to the beach, wearing a favorite skirt or hoping that no one notices the small veins on your nose or cheeks? If so, we understand your situation because we’ve treated thousands of patients just like you.

Spider veins are small veins at or near the surface of the skin. They are typically less than 1 mm in diameter and can be blueish or red. They typically appear on the legs or face but can be present on other areas of the body as well. They are differentiated fromvaricose veins because they are not raised or bumpy and they do not impede circulation because they are superficial in nature.

Laser spider vein treatment is very different from the older, more traditional injection treatment – sclerotherapy. With lasers, we do not need to pierce the skin to close off these small spider veins. Rather we are able to close these small veins using heat energy from the lasers. Lasers achieve the same goal of collapsing the spider vein but without the need for an injection by using heat energy to shrink the small blood vessels. Both methods can be effective for treating small veins but our patients choose laser vein removal for several reasons. In some cases they have already tried sclerotherapy with no success. Others say they have had problems with the pain and brown and purple scars caused by sclerotherapy, while others just have an aversion to needles.

Instead of covering spider veins with long pants or makeup, come to the Laser Hair Removal Center/Style MedSpa and discover the benefits of laser spider vein removal. Our professional and courteous medical staff will take the time to answer all your questions. Our best patients are informed patients, so come to your free consultation prepared with lots of questions! Contact us to schedule a free laser spider vein treatment consultation.

by by hair

Finally decided that permanent hair removal through laser hair removal treatments is the way to go? An increasing number of women and men are choosing laser hair removal treatments as an effective answer to their unwanted hair dilemna. The laser hair removal procedure holds great promise with permanent hair removal results, while the technology is state of the art.
Your choice of a laser hair removal clinic  is something to be taken seriously. You owe it to yourself to do some fact finding research on the treatment before investing your time and money on these laser treatments.

The laser hair removal process revolves around the practical application of light, at a set wavelength, from a small instrument into the skin. It focuses on darker material very similar to the pigment present in hair. The laser process then destroys the hair folicle, eliminating or slowing hair growth in the targeted area.

This procedure is generally a multi-visit hair removal process but depends on the size of the area being treated and at which stage of the growth process the treated hair is in. For permanent hair removal results, the hair in the targeted area must be treated during the active growth stage. Essentially the greater the area of unwanted hair, such as the legs and back, the greater quantity of treatments needed.


Botox is awesome.

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures available today is Botox. It is a less invasive procedure than surgery, and a fairly quick procedure that requires very little recovery time with results appearing almost immediately. If you are considering this procedure, it is a good idea to learn as much as possible as you can about it. One of the things you should know before having it done is how does Botox work.

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