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Why 4 different lasers for hair removal, aren’t they all the same.

So very funny.  We have all 4 laser families at our facility.  You need different lasers for different skin types and hair types.  If your concerns are safety, look no further. We have all options at our facility.  If a facility only has one laser, and you don’t know any better, guess what you are getting treated with.  The best consumer is the educated consumer.

Terms companies use to hook you that may be deceiving:  pain free (lol, pain free devices have not received favorable reviews, we wish they did so we could get one), most advanced technology/newest technology (the truth is that there hasn’t been any great leaps in technology in the last decade, some for  safety but none for long term results)

Science about Lasers for hair removal.

#1 Rated – Alexandrite family (755 wavelength, with super long pulse).  The gold standard.

#2 Rated – Diode Family (810 wavelength). Nice machine.

#3 Rated – Yag Family, built specifically for darker skin types, not meant for other lighter skin types

# 4 Rated – IPL Family, this is really not a laser, it is a light source machine.  Run away real fast if someone makes you this offer.  Go get waxed and save yourself some money.

The lower the wavelength the better the machine is for absorption of color for long term results, that is why the Alexandrite laser has always been and still is the gold standard in hair removal.  Our company has over a decade of experience doing studies on all 4 laser families.

Beware, a lot of companies have fancy names for IPL’s to try to confuse you.  Simply ask what is the laser family, there are only 4 families (listed above).  Knowledge is power and results are the bottom line.  We offer the absolute best technology with the guaranteed laser by laser price beat guarantee.  Get ready for your hairless summer.  Ask about our 50% off laser hair removal package

What is the most important question to ask a facility for laser treatments:  What laser do you use? This is what does all of the work.

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